Passenger Yacht Code (PYC), Large Commercial Yacht Code (LYC), ISM, ISPS & MLC.
Working closely with the captain, crew and owner’s team, AMC Marine will ensure our well experienced trained team is proactive and diligent in ensuring your superyacht operates safely and in full compliance with international mandatory rules and regulations
- Yacht in compliance with the Passenger Yacht Code
- Yacht in compliance with Large Commercial Yacht Code
- Commercially registered yacht over 500GT
- Commercial yacht of below 500GT in compliance with mini ISM and the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC)
- Privately registered yacht of any size.
- Classification, flag survey and audit preparation/co-ordination.
- Technical Management – technical support 24/7 and refit management
- Refit contract negotiations
- Cost & budget control
- Shore based Emergency response service